The Space Needle is My Neighbor

"A mind stretched by a new idea can never go back to its original dimensions." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
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Friday, May 05, 2006

Spring Comes To Syracuse

Foliage and Mob Mentality Erupt in a Fusion of Colors

From my good friend, MisterKlean. It's a picture of azaleas from the front of his house. MK is the only adult I know who is either responsible enough or foolish enough to be a bonafide homeowner. When he moved in last fall the landscape potential was an unknown, but now that warm weather has arrived his yard is a non-stop surprise party as all of the flowering plants come to life. Another surprise has been his introduction to the deadly-serious pressure of keeping a suburban lawn in a manner that will keep the neighbors from descending with torches and pitchforks as they battle to maintain the "integrity of the neighborhood". That's some motivation I could probably live without. My advice; hide behind one of those flowering bushes until the mob has moved on.


Blogger FancyPants said...

"Could definitely be worse"........
when suddenly, there's a knock at the door.....

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it. I live on three acres in North Georgia, with Dogwoods and Azaleas filling the yard. Most of it doesn't have to get mowed as I'm out in the country, although a 40 acre farm close by has been divided up and they are building houses on it. The quiet road I live on now has more traffic. The advantage I have is that MY house is paid for.

7:29 PM  
Blogger FancyPants said...

Oh dear, if I had a nickle for every horror story I've heard that started out, "Well, they just divided up that big old farm...."
Prepare to meet thy neighbors sooner rather than later and I don't think they'll be satisfied with just a piece of pie!

1:35 AM  

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