The Space Needle is My Neighbor

"A mind stretched by a new idea can never go back to its original dimensions." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
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Monday, May 15, 2006

From The Wine Cellar Of John McPhee

Thoughts of having a restaurant have turned my mind to wine....well, not literally, but perhaps my memory is a bit impaired. I was trying to remember the name of a fine New Zealand offering, Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc, but all I could come up with was Hidden Cove and a bunch of other "not quite right" names. In an attempt to help me out, B suggested something like "Obscured Geological Feature", which I thought was a damn funny name for a wine. Tonight we moved on to "Yellow Syncline", which I have re-created here for your drinking pleasure; (B came up with the name and suggested the curious lightening bolt logo). John McPhee is one of my favorite authors and he's always writing about "les choses geologiques". From time to time he'll refer to a rock formation known as a 'syncline', which is a fold in a rock formation that is shaped like a basin or trough and contains younger rocks in its core. I don't know what makes this so funny to me, but it just is. I like to think I send you off with a bit of useful information when you stop by. It's all pure "edu-tainment" here - 24/7, isn't it?


Blogger FancyPants said...

I was informed that because the alcohol content wasn't prominently displayed on the label, I could never make a killing with this in the wine biz, much less market it AT ALL. Hhmph. Let it be known, the ones currently in production say "14.5% alcohol by volume". They really do. And it's great with seafood.

3:14 PM  

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