The Space Needle is My Neighbor
What Have We Learned So Far?
"A mind stretched by a new idea can never go back to its original dimensions." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
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I'm not greedy. Just a small ocean, book and restaurant. Nothing more. I swear.
Hmmm. You've already got a fine blog. A blog is like a book without having a pesky editor.
Wow, you gave me a great idea. An oceanfront hotel/spa/cooking school/restaurant!
Yours could start out as a bed & breakfast on the Pacific coast. I'd be among the first guests.
Well, as I always say..think big!
I'm sure a small army of us could get it together.
Thanks for the "blog props" -
it's fun, but I'm restless to do more "something". (to be determined much later, I bet)
How's the packing extravaganza going, by the way?
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