The Space Needle is My Neighbor

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Burning In Hell - Maybe Not So Much?

What happens after you die?
Take the quiz and find out. Got this from Peri who somehow ended up in the Beetlejuice Waiting Room. After death, you will end up in an overcrowded waiting room sitting beside Beetlejuice. You've been given the number 736 076 827 378 919 023, but they are currently serving number 3. Good Luck. That's messed up! I took the quiz and apparently I'm going straight to the Big Room. Maybe I should play it safe and not tell the old "View Master story" once I get there.


Blogger FancyPants said...

No cheating here, but I did try changing the answers a bit, just to make sure it wasn't "stuck" or something. I DID also manage to figure out how you get to "Beetlejuice", you small animal torturing, sexually promiscuous gal, you! (the "butt throwing" is probably what finally sealed yer fate.. ha ha...)The strange thing is when B did it, he ended up in Vonnegut-ville, which is what I predicted for him and I have NO idea how to get there myself.

8:35 PM  
Blogger FancyPants said...

Hold the phone! I figured out how to be "In the Ground".

'After death, you will cease to exist. In all likelihood, your carcass will be deposited in the ground.'

Dude, that is SOooo harsh!

9:15 PM  
Blogger FancyPants said...

Jed, move away from there!

12:30 AM  

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