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Thursday, March 30, 2006

What's That On My Plate?

I had a very interesting dinner last night. I had sweetbreads!
They are the thymus gland - responsible for regulating your immune system. Doesn't sound too appetizing, but they are definitely delish and are considered somewhat of a delicacy. When I first saw them, I'll admit I was concerned. One bite and I was fine. Yum.
Here's a word or two on how to prepare them:
Before being cooked, sweetbreads must be soaked in several changes of acidulated water and their outer membrane removed. Some recipes call for the glands to be blanched to firm them, and refrigerated until ready for use. Sweetbreads can be prepared in a variety of ways including poaching, sautéing and braising.
They are also sometimes used in pâtés and soufflés.
Guess I should let you know that I also like liver, beets and brussels sprouts; all of the things that I hated as a kid. I don't know when I turned the corner, or went over to the Dark Side as some of you must be thinking, but love them I do. Sweetbreads have been added to the list of things I am no longer afraid of. Today's lesson is "Make friends with your food".


Blogger FancyPants said...

Mention of something else I DEEEE-TESTED as a child should be made.
Rhubarb. As in Strawberry/Rhubarb pie. Love it! When I was at boarding school, I spent an afternoon sitting alone in the cafeteria engaged in a standoff with a nun and a dish of stewed rhubarb. Yuck. God knows(and he was certainly there, because it was a Catholic convent boarding school)how long I sat, but I must have held my nose and just swallowed the stuff at some point, because I'm not still sitting there and I wasn't alllowed to move until I did eat it. Again I say, Yuck!

6:17 PM  
Blogger FancyPants said...

Thymus gland- IT'S NOT FROM HUMANS.
Please, no letters. (Or burning torches either, for that matter).

6:36 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I've had sweetbreads, too. They are delicious! But I think I can cross that off my "Things I need to experience" list.

But I still hate liver. :-)

PS - Found you from peri's site. You're on my list of faves now!

2:33 PM  
Blogger FancyPants said...

Love your site, too. Regarding the liver; try sauteed veal. Melts in your mouth. I've been told that (shudder)rabbit liver is the best, but it'll be a cold day in Candyland before anything made of bunny touches my lips. Serious.

7:47 PM  

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