The Space Needle is My Neighbor

"A mind stretched by a new idea can never go back to its original dimensions." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
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Sunday, July 09, 2006

"Next Thing You Know - It's A Plate Of Spicy Eel"

I love commercials with animals. Remember "Bob", the fish in the detergent ad? My latest obsession is the "Cows For Soy Milk" campaign. I don't know if they've hit the network stations, but watching the Food Network as I do, I've seen these commercials all day long. The inherent goofiness of cows hawking a milk alternative is genius and the characters are fully-formed, not just a pastiche of how we "think" a cow selling soy should behave. I particularly like 'Amanda', the 20-something young lady with the multiple earrings. According to her, the trajectory involved in going from milk to soy is simple. You start off ordering a soy latte and move on to using it in your coffee at home, and then it (wow!) winds up in your cereal. Amanda compares it to developing a taste for sushi. "You start off eating California roll and the next thing you know-you've got a plate of spicy eel." Cute. Personally, I can't stand the stuff, but maybe I need to watch a few more commercials. I do however, like sushi.....


Blogger FancyPants said...

One of the tag-lines on the crawl across the top of the site:

"Fresh-squeezed taste without the unsavory squeezing part."

Ha ha ha ha ha!

10:04 PM  
Blogger FancyPants said...


8:59 PM  

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